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Potential Litigation for a large New Zealand Corporate Client (Name Withheld) – Forensic Investigators


We were retained by a large and internationally-active New Zealand corporate client that was preparing for a major potential litigation. 


We were asked to undertake a reconstruction (both financial and non-financial) of historical events relating to certain core business activities, impacting both New Zealand and overseas. That required our analysis of a significant volume of material and the preparation of chronologies and summaries for use by counsel and the client. We interviewed a number of key company officers ranging from clerical staff through to directors and important third party participants. 


The client had retained senior Queen’s Counsel and a nationally-recognised law firm. We needed to interact with legal advisors at solicitor, associate and partner level and we accompanied senior counsel to meetings with representatives of the client’s board of directors, explaining our findings and the potential impact on the client’s position. We participated in strategy sessions with senior counsel.


We have been required to advise counsel as to the likely stance of the counter-party to this matter and on areas where the client’s position is sound or perhaps less certain.


It is unclear at the moment whether litigation will be pursued by the counterparty but if it does then our client is well-positioned to deal with any challenges that arise.

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